Thursday 13 June 2013

Hunter Wasser

i was told to look at Hundert Wasser by Joe because of his weird and wonderful architecture so i decided to take a look.

Wasser is a dutch artist, architect and general art person. despite not liking his paintings very much and actually thinking they are quite vulgar and child like and the use of colour is not too appreciated. i don't like the shapes the colour the actual technique and style of painting. i don't feel a connection with his art, which is really important for me, not one little bit and was quite disappointed.

but after the initial disappointment i was actually taken back by his buildings, i actually do really like some of his organically shaped buildings. which was a nice surprise after a shock horror moment!

looking at his buildings i appreciated the quirkiness and odd nature. i love how he was inspired by nature and humans and really loved the movement in his work. his buildings were fun and decorative and some what mind boggling. i didn't like the use of colour to much and the nature of the contrast of tones was just wrong for me but i did like the shape. my final piece has organic shapes due to the symbols and i understand the resemblance my tutor saw in my work. im glad i saw his work and appreciate his imagination in an architectural aspect. it was interesting to say the least.

Since the early 50s Hundert Wasser was connected to architecture, and for the rest of his life he had a interest in architecture that was inspired by nature and humans.
He began his new found passion with manifestos, essays and demonstrations, which led on to creating Architectural models that he used to describe his unique ideas of roofs, tree-tenants, and the window right, as well as by architectural shapes, such as eye-slit houses, the high-rise meadow house, the spiral house or the pit house.
As an architecture doctor (what i want to become) he created what was called "non-regulated irregularities and barriers of beauty", and this concept allowed him to create amazing architectural projects where the window right and the tree-tenants exist, as well as the uneven floors, forests on the roofs and spontaneous vegetation.

his ideas of random vegetation and weirdly shaped doors makes my building inspired by symbols look normal. he is a good role model to have as an architect because he shows you how there are no boundaries to art and that anything can be created no matter how mad and you should always create new and wonderful things no matter how weird and wacky. which is a great way to think!.

In his architectural work Hundertwasser replaced monotony with variety, and the grid system with the organic and non-regulated irregularities. this is the way forward!

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