Monday 10 June 2013

FMP Week 7 (half term)

we started the build!

the time had come to put aside the sketchbook and pencils an pick up the screws, boards and paint and begin to build the exhibit space. there was excitement in the air as well as accomplishment and the realization it was not long now till it will end and the pressure hit to get things done!

i went in on Wednesday and i began with cleaning the sinks and sides of the room, we managed to get paint in every nook and cranny over the year so we had a big job on our hands. however not to worry we managed to use all out elbow grease and the girls conquered the sink and paint situation.

i went on to sand and scrap nastiness (well blue tack and stickers) off the wall and then filled holes and crevices in the islands that were being built buy the strong men. in no time at all the men had an island up an rareing to be buffed and painted. despite there being only 3 rollers between 20 people we managed to slit jobs and get to work. after filling holes and cracks in the walls we used gum strip to cover the cracks and corners of the boards. to be honest at first it looked horrific but as we began painting hundreds of coats of paint it looked better.

going home covered in paint an dust i had a great sleep and went in Thursday to continue the great work. our FAD class and tutors had accomplish greatness these past two days. by the end of Thursday all the islands were up and gum striped and ready to paint. we managed to borrow two more rollers so we were up to 5!we painted the first island fully, buffed, sanded and scrapped to perfection and to an inch of its life.then we went on to the others at this point i had more paint on me than the actual boards but it was worth the sacrifice we had to get this done and looking immaculate and bad exhibit space makes work look bad, and that was not the ideas an never the option.

im really proud of my FAD class working soo hard and getting soo much done in a short while; now we have plenty of time to work on our FMP project and get the best grades possible.

i have continued to work on my blog and sketchbook and im just smoothing out the edges and still finding inspiration and ideas to create.

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